It's Lucy's first Christmas - according to my PJs (little do they know...)
It looks like my bib was similarly misinformed:
Do you like my wetsuit? Another Christmas gift, this time from Uncle Michael.
And Santa gave me a pool toy to swim about in!
It looks like my bib was similarly misinformed:
Do you like my wetsuit? Another Christmas gift, this time from Uncle Michael.
And Santa gave me a pool toy to swim about in!
And when they came back there was dinner and cards and presents - presents are my favourite bit!
One of my favourite presents was a xylophone, which I will play for my parents (whether they like it or not!)
This is great - only a few weeks more till my next Christmas!
Well, for all that thinking (not to mention the chewing), I didn't get very far in my search for answers. I suppose that, despite all the burden of anticipation, turning half does not guarantee an epiphany of insight into the human condition.
All I can say for sure is - with a mum and dad who adore me, a roof over my head and plenty of bananas to eat - back where I started isn't such a bad place to be.
Oh well - here's to the next half year!
This is a pcture of me with my friend Anna, taken at grandma Sherry's house in America.
And here I am biting mum's nose, which is my latest way of showing I care:
Happy Birthday Gran - and a big bite on the nose from everyone in London!
The flight home was tiring, but at least I had my own luxury bed.
And Mum and I both enjoyed a dairy snack: I love Bank Holidays!
When is the next one?
Can we go the beach then too Dad?
Can we? Can we? Can we?