Saturday, 31 March 2007

Waking Up

Beautiful day

I woke up this morning and the sun was shining. I decided to start the day boxing with my toys.

Then mum and dad came in and said since it was such a beautiful day, we would all go out. This was very exciting. It meant I got to dress up in my bear suit!

And they took me outside. We went to get coffee on the high street. Mum particularly liked getting out in the fresh air.

And dad had a shot at pushing me too.

And it was so amazing - the bright sun and the blue sky, the plants and the cars, the houses, windows, birds, faces, red man, green man, Synagogues and hospitals, the wind blowing the branches on the trees. And my mum and my dad showed me all of it and promised me more, they will dress me up and take me out, they will feed me when I'm hungry and kiss me while I sleep, they will tell me stories and sing me songs, and every day will be as beautiful as today.

Friday, 30 March 2007

Burping and napping

Mum found a new way of burping me - I actally quite enjoy it!

But afterwards, it was time for a snooze:

I had my first visitors last night - Chistopher, Clare and Paul. This is Christopher. He liked my Glider chair even more than I do.

Paul took the "horse whisperer" approach to calm me down:

What's that sound?
Oh, it's the postman!

A letter?
From the Queen?
What could it be?

Oh it's my birth certificate.
Looks like I'm stuck with this name then.

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Thanks, BBC

Couldn't help but smile at this news story.

Voyna i Mir

Today I've had intermittent periods of resting and wailing. Got to keep the parents on their toes!

I've also been having more and more of a good look around:

This is me feigning interest while Dad explains the rule in Foss v. Harbottle:

And mum got me dressed up as a rabbit (note that I only wear ethically sourced synthetic fur):

I've got some visitors coming later, so I better get in the bath to spruce myself up!

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Eyes Open

Today I've had my eyes open. Take a look!

But it's not all been wide eyed; I've caught some sleep as well:

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Day Two

Good evening everybody. Today has been an eventful day. My parents still have a lot to learn, but Grandma Sherry has been a great help looking after me. Here are some photographs.

Mum is feeling a alot better:

With Mum and Grandma Sherry:

Mum looking after me:

Mum, Dad and me:

That's it for now. Catch you all later!

My address

Hi there! Some people have been asking what my address is. Dad tells me we're hoping to move soon, but for the time being we're living in this wee flat:

251 Grove End Gardens
Grove End Road
London NW8 9LU

More pictures coming up soon!

Monday, 26 March 2007

Welcome to my own personal website!

Hi, I'm Eleuthera Jean Graham. You can call me Lucy.

I was born in St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London, at 2.27 this morning, Monday 26 March 2007.

Here are some photographs of my first day:

Looking at Mum:
With Gran and Granda:

Asleep in my cot:

With my Dad:

More tomorrow I promise. Gotta catch some Z's. It's been kind of a long day for me.