Monday 8 October 2007

Bhagavad Gita

Sorry for being away from the internet for a few days. I'm now fully recovered from my sickness(es!) and this weekend mum got some new videos of me.

I am now comfortably sitting up on my own, which is a new deevlopment. Here I am taking a magazine to pieces

"For I am become death, destroyer of worlds..."

Also I have had practice standing (and balancing) using my baby einstein:

Looks like I was about to topple backwards there...

And mum has been making me laugh, by pretending to be a dog. This cracks me up:


Fned said...

Hey Lucy girl! Glad you're feeling better! Can't see your videos from here (haven't found a way to crack the office's firewall yet), but I'll be checking them out tonight!
Give a big hug to ya parents for us!
xoxoxo Francine & André.

jmss said...

so cute! you are both growing up so fast!